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What You Need To Know When Buying Waterfront Property

Aerial View Of The Faena District, In Miami Beach

We all desire to own a waterfront home, be it a vacation home or our main home. It is estimated that 36% of people who purchase waterfront properties are vacation buyers. The promise of waking up to magical ocean scenery and spending your day on the beach will easily make you pay top dollar for waterfront properties for sale. However, before you draw your check and pay big bucks for a waterfront home, consider the following factors.

1. Know the Rules and Regulations Governing Waterfront Property

It is a different ball game when you buy waterfront property. There are more regulations and building codes that control what you can do with your land. You must consider regulations imposed by the local authorities — municipality, county, and state. When purchasing homes for sale on the waterfront, you certainly have many creative ideas of the improvements you will make on the property. Maybe you want to build a dock, boathouse, or a pier. Or, you can’t wait to jump on your jet ski and tour the waterways. As much as you’re itching to make modifications and engage in ocean sports and activities, the local regulations might be prohibitive. Before you purchase waterfront property, establish the following.

  • What are you allowed to build on the land?
  • What are you allowed to build onto the water?
  • Are there height and speed restrictions for boats?
  • Which water vehicles are allowed?
  • Do you need a permit to fish or engage in recreational activities in the water?

2. Are There Additional Expenses Tied to the Waterfront Property?

Waterfront properties may attract additional expenses such as flood insurance and bulkhead maintenance. Waterfront homes are more prone to natural disasters such as hurricanes and ocean floods. You would want to know if the property is located in a high-risk flood area and whether it is mandatory to have flood insurance coverage.

Additionally, establish whether your waterfront home is part of a homeowner’s association. This may call for extra membership fees as agreed by the association. If your waterfront home is protected by a bulkhead, inspect its condition, and consider if you will be responsible for its maintenance. These additional expenses can add up to substantial amounts. Therefore, you should beware of the extra costs, to avoid surprise expenses.

3. Trust a Local and Reputable Real Estate Agent

It can be a humdrum job to background-check all waterfront properties for sale. Before you find the ideal waterfront home, it may be too late to buy. Especially in popular destinations like Florida, the demand for waterfront homes is ever-green. With this high demand, you may not have the time to conduct due diligence on every home. But top real estate agents in Florida will have the time and resources to background-check all the properties under their portfolio.

Why work with a realtor?

When your work with a trustworthy real estate company, you will get the ideal waterfront home with less hassle. Such a realtor will tell you all the things you need to know — the pros and the cons. A real estate agent who deals with waterfront property will have a huge pool of options for you to choose from. Engaging an agent is the easiest way to prospect several waterfront properties until you find one that ticks all the boxes.

Certainly, owning a waterfront home is a dream come true for most people. As much as you want to buy waterfront property next to your favorite beach, you shouldn’t buy one blindly. You must conduct due diligence before closing a deal. You don’t want to buy waterfront property that will add to your headaches.

High flood insurance prices, restrictive regulations, and costly repairs can steal the thunder from your dream waterfront home. The best way to buy waterfront property is by working with a trusted and reputable local real estate agent. This way, you will have more options on your table, and you will buy the waterfront home that’s ideal for you.